Terms of Use

We are not affiliated with, associated with, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected to Rapidgator.net.

This site contains links to other Internet sites belonging to third parties. Use of these sites is subject to the terms and conditions posted on the respective sites, if any. We have no control over sites that do not belong to us, and we are not responsible for any changes or content on those sites. The inclusion of any third party content or a link to a third party website on our websites does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement of that content or third party website.

We do not sell, market, or license any of the products or services that we evaluate, list, advertise, or feature on our website, and we disclaim any responsibility or liability with respect thereto. Your correspondence or related activities with third parties, including payment transactions and deliveries of goods, are solely between you and the applicable third party. You agree that we are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your transactions with any third party. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding a product or service should be directed to the appropriate provider.

The sole purpose of this website (https://rapidgator.info/) is to promote the services offered by https://linkifier.com/en/.